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tattoo artist Lauren Violet

Bound By Design Logomark

I have been making art throughout my entire life and began tattooing in 2006. Drawing and painting animals, plants, and nature scenes are my primary interests, which directly inform my tattoo work. My favorite tattoos to create are any that involve natural subject matter such as birds, flowers, trees, mountains, etc. To me, the best tattoos are graceful, simple and bold and I seek to imbue all of my work with these qualities.

Contact me through email:
I am occasionally open to making tattoo appointments on my days off as well.
Instagram @lauren.violet

Contact Lauren Violet

All appointments require a deposit, paid in person, to hold your appointment time. Deposits vary by artist; they start at $60 and increase depending on complexity, size, and involvement of the design. All deposits are non-refundable but are applied towards the cost of your completed tattoo. If you need to reschedule your appointment, you must provide 48 hours advance notice or your deposit for that session will be lost. If you no call / no show, your deposit will be lost.

All appointments require a deposit, paid in person, to hold your appointment time. Deposit amount varies by artist. All deposits are non-refundable but apply towards the cost of your completed tattoo. There are two ways to lose your deposit: Failing to provide 48 hour cancellation notice or no call / no show.


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